Conan now has a much bigger bowl to swim in. I upgraded her to a two gallon tank, and I think she likes it. She turbos around and around all day--who knew goldfish were so fast?
I am the proud new owner of a family heirloom. When Dad went up to pay his last respects to my step-grandfather, he found out he was the executor of the will, and entitled to 1/4th of everything Tiny owned. So he brought me back an antique "Grandmother's Flower Garden" pattern quilt that was supposedly made by Tiny's mother. It is so beautiful! The individual pieces of fabric have the most lovely patterns on them, and the colors are bright and well-matched.
I've wanted an antique quilt for as long as I can remember, and now one appears out of the blue. Of course I know that Tiny's death is what brought me the quilt, but I find it hard to be sad when his death was such a welcome blessing to him. He literally wasted away these past years, and I think he was anxious to finally join Grandma Betty.
Maybe I've just become aware of it lately, but there seems to be a lot of death happening around me. Trina, Tiny, the ducks in the pond, the dog lying on the sidewalk, Otis...maybe it's just that kind of year.
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