1. Regardez, regardez... Les cupcakes!, 2. The Pink Shined Down on Manhattan

What do I know about NYC? Not very much. I've been there three times.
The first time I was an impressionable teen on my Grande College Tour, there to visit Colombia U. (did not end up going there). It was a different world to the laid-back SoCal town I grew up in; time moved at a faster pace, the colors were sharper, the voices louder; it all just seemed so much more. And it was the same both times afterwards; almost too much to absorb -- intimidating, stunning, big.
I am not a city girl at heart (I move much too slowly), but I do like the vibrant energy of New York in small doses. And after a lazy summer of not venturing further than the local library, I am more than ready for a dazzling change of scenery. I am looking forward to taking hundreds of photos and savoring delicious dishes in atmospheric restaurants and sharing it all with a lovely travel companion.
I'm not going until the end of the month, but I'll need that time to start compiling a list of must-sees/eats. Leaving room, of course, for the unexpected discoveries that are always the best part of any trip.


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